Wednesday 23 August 2017

Dedicated to motion control and positioning in Germany!

On March 2, 2016 Aerotech celebrated the groundbreaking for our new Aerotech Germany office in Fürth, (D). Construction and relocation to the new building has been completed and the opening ceremony was held on May 18th, 2017.
Aerotech have expanded with a dedicated building in Germany.
According to Norbert Ludwig, the Managing Director of Aerotech Germany, "We had approximately 40 participants from outside [Aerotech] plus 20 Aerotech Representatives at the opening ceremony. Participants at the opening ceremony included customers and suppliers, architects, and craftspeople. Our special guest was the Major of the city of Fürth.”

After a general welcome, Norbert Ludwig gave a presentation on Aerotech GmbH describing the new, greatly expanded support capabilities in Germany, followed by some greetings and welcome words from the President of Aerotech, Mark Botos. After lunch the Major of Fürth spoke and there was also a presentation of an invited speaker, a Physics professor from a German university, talking about laser structuring of materials using Aerotech components.

The opening ceremony was very well received and the company looks forward to the additional sales, service, and support that our new office will allow them to expand the numbers of their customers in Germany, as well as throughout Europe. The German building now joins a dedicated Britsh building, as well as a network of offices and representatives, in support of other European customers.

 @aerotechmotion #PAuto 

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